
Hi! How was your week? Monday & Tuesday we're both tiring days, so I didn't post then. Wednesday was a good day, posted, and had a dentist appointment. It was just cleaning and stuff. Thursday posted and didn't do much. Today... not much happened since it's only the afternoon lol. I wanted to show you all a mini keychain that I got and I think it's really cute. Here are some pictures:

A koala on a donut. It's just so cute lol. What do you think?

Okay, so I took a short 10-minute break because I randomly got the hiccups. While I was writing about the key chain, I started getting hiccups for no reason. So I went to eat some sugar, it took some time, like 3 minutes, but they were gone. What do you usually do when you have hiccups?

Have a great weekend! See you all later! 


  1. Hope everything's ok after that dentist visit.

    P.S. Cute keychain.

    1. Everything is fine, they said just a bit of crowding but looking good! Thanks, I think it's cute as well!

  2. Fun key chain, love it. Hiccups are a nuisance, I try to hold my breath till they have gone! Valerie

    1. Thanks! That's a good idea I'll try it next time! Have a great day! :)

  3. The keychain is very nice, indeed. I like these cute little things.
    When it happens to hiccup, I hold my breath as long as I can, and / or drink water in small sips.
    Wish you a wonderful weekend! 😊

    1. Yeah they are very cute. :) I do usually drink water, but I never tried holding my breath. I'll try that if I do get hiccups again! You have a great weekend as well Diana. :)

  4. wow i adore those kind of tiny items:D they always cheers me up:)

  5. Ugg hiccups! That keychain is just way too cute :-D

    1. Haha! They are very annoying. And yes, it is very cute! :)

  6. I like the key chain.
    Hiccups can be such a nuisance, I find holding my breath sometimes works.

    All the best Jan

    1. Same! That's a good trick. Have a great day!

  7. Replies
    1. Thanks! Oh. I bet there are tons of other tricks to get rid of hiccups!


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