Some Of My Favorite Fidget Toys!

 Hey everyone and happy Tuesday! Today, I decided to share with you some of my favorite fidget toys. Fidget toys are things to help you relax, relieve stress, for sensory, or for you to just play with! I love these things and I'll be showing you some of my favorite and the ones I recommend!

1. Pop It's

I absolutely LOVE pop it's. They are just so satisfying and I love the pop sound. It comes in all different colors, shapes, and sizes which I love. It's durable and waterproof. These can be good at work, on airplanes, and more! Here is an image:
2. Squishies

I love these as well because you get something to squish in your hand. Let all your anger out... stuff like that. They come in different colors, shapes, sizes, and characters, which adds a bonus. The memory foam is soft. The one I had had a bit of an odor, but it was a good scent. Here is an image:

3. Fidget Cube

This fidget cube is 6 fidgets in one. It's a small size, so it's easy to bring on the go. They come in different colors and there are more kinds of fidget cubes. I love all of the fidget cube's sides and they are pretty addicting for me. Here is an image: 

Thanks for reading today! Tell me what your favorite fidget I mentioned was and tell me if you have more fidgets at home! See you later!


  1. Thanks for sharing, these are neat.

  2. Don't know these but they look like fun. I have a damm'it doll. A stuffed doll that you slam on the table and yell damm'it! But years ago I kept bubble wrap in my desk drawer at work, got stressed and would pull it out when stressed, and pop it. When I went to work for law enforcement andworked in an office where they carried guns, I thought it best to do away with the POP!!

    1. Lol, I have seen those before. I feel like bubble wrap is considered as a fidget... Its more popular than these. Pop It's I guess is just the same thing but I guess feels better? Idk, but yeah agreed!!! The pop sound can be LOUD.

  3. These look good. I have only recently discovered fidget toys haha!

  4. Many thanks for sharing these :)

    All the best Jan


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