Week recap (sorta)

Hey everybody! This week did serval things including crafts, animating, weather, and more! Keep on reading!

    So... I've been getting into a hobby of animating. I haven't been taking classes or anything, I'm just figuring it out on my own. It's kind of hard, especially when I mess up and have to start all over again. I'm guessing I'm gonna continue it in the future, though it will stick to a hobby for now. Another one of my hobbies is coding which I've been getting into more. It's just simple kind of coding, but it's fun. What are some of your hobbies?


I also made this paper squishy that I found online. You just need cotton, paper, and duct tape, or some sort of tape. It is pretty fun to play with and does seem like the real thing. I've played with it so much that there are wayyyy too many crinkles! 

Link to make:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6ModQsmlRg

It's September already! No more shorts. Now it's sweat pants or leggings. I am still wearing short sleeves though because I get really hot. It's getting a little more chilly, mainly in the morning though. How's the weather for you?

Found this sticker somewhere. What should I do with it? Maybe put it on my computer. Idk. What do you think?

Pretty flower:

Here's a joke: 

Heh heh...

How was your week? Hope you had a good one. See you all later!


  1. So cool about what you made and your interests! It doesn't feel quite like Autumn here, but it has been nicer weather. We did have a big rain earlier in the week, but it wasn't anything as horrible like in Louisiana or back East.

    Oh you know some of the things I like to do already. I have been crocheting some. Kind of a bucket hat with a small brim. I was inspired by someone on You Tube, but mainly it's my own pattern.

    Thanks so much for your smart wit, too! I hope you have a wonderful September.

    1. Thank you so much for the comment ellie! You made my day with it. :) I love bucket hats, yet I can't seem to figure out how to make one lol. I hope you also have a great September as well and thank you so much once again! :D

  2. Uy genial lo que hiciste d e papel y me alegra de tus hobies. Me gusto la rosa. Te mando un beso

  3. cute joke! Yes it is cooler in the mornings and sometimes you need a sweater now.

    1. Thanks! Oh okay, we are still in the summer kind of vibe so sweaters will be for later. :)

  4. here it's getting cooler, too, autumn is on its way. Have a great day, Valerie

  5. Sounds cool! I've heard the joke before

  6. I'd love you see some of your animating, sounds like a fun hobby. Ahhh stickers I have loads and stick them all over the place haha!

    1. Haha! I have tons of stickers on my computer that idk where I should put the others! :D

  7. it looks really nice:) I would like to see your work:D

  8. Love the paper squishy. It's been glorious weather here too. I wear my shorts as long as I possibly can:)

    1. That's great! Weather is getting a little better here, nice and cool. :)

  9. I like the look of the paper squishy :)

    Here in the UK we've had some nice sunny days, but I think that will change soon.
    Take care, my good wishes.

    All the best Jan

    1. Thank you Jan! Same for us, fall is getting closer! :)

  10. Very interesting post!
    Thanks for sharing 😍😍

  11. Lovely post


  12. Good to hear from you. Hope you will be posting soon. Thanks for reading and your comment 💕

    1. Thanks Ellie! I hope to be posting soon as well, and I'm planning something new! :)


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