Some of my Artwork Part 2! 🎨

Hey everybody! Some time ago, I posted "Some Of My Art Work." I'm back, and today, I'm going to share some more of my artwork with you. To view part 1, click here. Let's get started!

1. Eye

So this is my picture of an eye. I think it's pretty good, because the eye came out really well and I did a good job of shading. The only thing I would change are the random color marks because it kind of looks odd.
2. Geodes

This is a drawing I made of some geodes. I really like this one because of its colors and its shape. The one I like the most is the blue, green, and yellow one. Which one is yours's? Also, any other ideas for color options?


3. School Supplies 

This is a random piece of art that I did and I like the colors of it. The colors of the dots are nice, same with the letters. But I could have used marker instead of pencil for tracing.                    

4. Rainbow Geometric Shape Thing                                                                          

I really like this one because everything fit perfectly and I like the colors. I think this took about 2 hours to make but it was worth it! 

Thanks for reading today! Tell me what your favorite was! See you all later and have a great week!


  1. my favorite is the second one! But the eye is also really nice.

  2. Wow that eye is SUPER well drawn

  3. They are all good but my favourite is the 2nd. Other colour options: I like black with red or purple with green :-D

  4. Me gusto mucho eres muy buena te mando un beso

  5. Such a lovely better make another one. That second piece would look really cool on a tee-shirt. Awesome lettering. All the best to your creativity!

    1. Thanks Ellie! Maybe one day I could try putting my art on a shirt! :)

  6. I like all. Between geodes I like the one with red.
    All the best!

    1. Thanks Diana. I like that one as well! Have a great day!

  7. Beautiful work, Aishu! My fave today is the piece with geodes! Have a great weekend, hugs, Valerie

    1. Thanks Valerie! I love that one to, it was very fun to make! You have a great weekend as well. :)


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