Research Wednesday 🧐

✨Leaning Tower of Pisa✨ Location:

Italy, Europe

When was it made:

August 9, 1173 The “Leaning Tower of Pisa” is a great structure in Italy, Europe. This structure is slanted and has a “four-degree lean” on its side. The Leaning Tower of Pisa leaning was actually not planned. Adding more layers, it kept slanting. It also survived World War l and World War ll. There are exactly 257 steps in the tower and you can climb it up yourself!

Hope you enjoyed today's post! Let me know other places you want to hear about or for me to research. See you all later!


  1. Isn't it stunning that the structure has survived this long? Color me impressed.

    1. It sure is interesting! At any moment it could fall, but It holds it's self up. Impresses me all the time!

  2. I have never been to Italy but would visit that. It is very famous. Amazing how it has lasted so long!

    1. Yeah! I'm also hoping to visit Italy one time. Seems so interesting!

  3. Nice....course I was leaning away from the screen a bit to read what you wrote....yellow is hard to read. Would love to visit there sometime but I figure that is not going to happen! Wait, maybe in my next life

    1. Will try changing that thanks for the notice! And yes just maybe :)

  4. In India the Qutab Minar (i did a project about it for my hindi school a few years ago) is similar to the Leaning Tower Of Pisa. You should talk about that too maybe. It's interesting! Nice post.

    1. Okay, thanks for the idea! Plus: That's awesome!


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