Organization Hacks With Paper Towel Rolls!

 Hey everybody! Hope you had a good July 4th. Tell me all about it! Yesterday, I found some ways to reuse paper towel rolls for organizing. Let me tell you how I did it!

1. Bracelet Holder

What you need:

Paper towel roll

It's super easy, you just put any bracelets, rubber bands, or hair ties on there, and you're done! Here's an example: 


Keep adding on, and once you have finished, it will be all covered! If there is some more space, just cut that part off. I used some old bracelets and hair ties to show you all as an example. 

2. Earring Holder

What you need:

Paper towel roll


This one is also quite simple. All you have to do is take the paper towel roll and flatten it out. You can also just cut it vertically into two flat pieces. Then, poke some tiny holes with the backing of the earring and place them in. Done!

These are also some of the old earrings that I used. I had to cut some excess off the paper towel roll and I think it came out nicely. I didn't put any decorative paper because I thought it was fine like this but if you want, go ahead.

I only had 2 hacks, but comment down below if you have more! See you all next time!


  1. Hey these are good ideas. I usually toss mine in the recycling bin.

    1. Yeah we had a ton in our cabinets and I decided to just use them. Thanks!

  2. I saw something on pinterest the other day for using paper towel or TP store your extention cords in. These are cool.

    1. Yeah, there are so many ways to use paper towel rolls. Thank you!


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