Mondays 😪

Mondays can be droopy,
Yes, I understand.
But my minion friend here, 
Wants to give you a hand!

Hi. I'm a minion, and I think my name is Dave. I live in a bush, but used to live in a cave.

Do you like my glasses? Got them with a pinch of molasses.


Well, hope you have a good day! And remember: You're Awesome! 😉


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Martha! Same do I :) I just had this lying around and then thought of a poem kind of thing.

  2. I love the Minions! They know how to be happy! Great post :-D

    1. Thank you so much Ananka! And yes, the sure do. :)

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks you, you have a good week as well. :)


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