Hot Showers V.S Cold Showers - Which is Best? Research Wednesday 🧐

 Hey everyone! Happy Wednesday. Today, I'll be telling you whether hot showers are best, or cold! Let's get started!

             Hot or Cold Showers?

Are cold water or hot water showers better? In my opinion, hot showers are better. You won't be freezing once you're done with your shower. I also breathe fast when I'm in cold water. But I know that not everyone prefers hot showers. So today, I'm going to tell you the advantages and drawbacks of hot showers and cold showers!

Coldwater is full of pros and cons. Beginning with the first cold-water con: getting sick. It is not fun for anyone to get sick. In the winter, as you know, you might get sick from the cold weather sometimes. For cold water, this is the same. You can get hypothermia, which is when you get really cold and your body temperature is low. This can contribute to a cold and your immune system can get weaker. This is only speaking if you are sick and keep taking cold showers, it will get weaker

    Now for the good things about cold showers. Cold showers have plenty of ups, like getting you to actually wake up. Or helping with circulation in the body. But I think almost all of us want to have smoother skin and hair. When we take cold showers, it helps to clear up pores, bumps, itchiness, etc. It gives your skin a much better look. Hair can become smoother and not become as tangled at times.

Now onto hot showers. They have one big con. It makes your skin dry and not the best feeling. If you want to stick to hot showers but don’t want this to happen, make sure to moisturize your skin by applying cream to your whole body to keep it smooth. A really hot shower can also cause blood pressure levels to increase if you have a heart problem. Make sure your blood pressure is okay. At times, it can increase though.

Hot showers also have their ups. They are better for relaxing. One pro is that hot showers can help you sleep much better. Take a hot shower each night, sleep much better. If you come home from work all tired, (Not the tired where you are sleepy but the tired where the people who work with you keep bugging you and your boss ain’t giving you a break.) taking a hot shower can be an awarding for you. Hot showers can also reduce blood sugar. It can also burn calories.

Now that you know the pros and cons of both temperatures, (Hot and cold) do you think you’ll be switching to cold water or hot water? Thanks for reading! See you all later! Sources:  


  1. Wow I've never really thought about the pros of a cold shower! That's so cool :)

    1. Yeah same! After doing a little research I thought it was pretty interesting!

  2. I gotta have a hot shower:)
    Great post.

    1. Thanks Sandra! I would have to agree. But It's getting so hot I kind of want to switch to cold showers heh. :)

  3. I usually have a cold shower when the weather is very hot!

  4. Really good information! I normally take hot showers. I start with the water at WARM, then make it hotter as I go along if it feels too cold.
    Never really thought about having a cold shower, but I do tend to lower the temperature of the water when it's warmer outside.

    1. Yup, I like hot showers but If I get to hot then I lower it down and make it cooler.

  5. Prefiero las duchas calientes. Te mando un beso


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