Fake Plants V.S Real Plants - Which Should You Have In Your Home!

    Hey everybody! Sorry I didn't post on Wednesday, I was a little busy! For a couple of weeks now, a question has been lingering in my head and you probably know it from the title. Fake plants or the real thing? In my opinion, I prefer real plants however, a lot of people prefer fake ones. Which one do you like best?

    First, let's talk about fake plants. Lots of people prefer these in their homes rather than real plants. Why? There are a couple of reasons. First: no bugs. If you were to keep a fake plant in your home, you can look at it without being bit by a bug. Also, you won't have to take care of it too much. For example, you won't have to worry about watering it, giving it sunlight, making sure it grows, etc. Even in the winter you're not worried about your plant dying because of the lack of sunlight.

    Now let's talk about the cons. They aren't the real thing. Whether you put soil in it to make it look better or add some fake flowers, it's still not the real thing. They don't provide oxygen, do they? They don't grow with different flowers blooming, do they? As real as someone tries to make it look, it's still not the same thing. Another thing is that they are made with plastic. An article named, "Six Reasons You Shouldn't Use Artificial Plants at Your Office" Eric Engledow explains, "They aren’t eco-friendly. Many fake plants are created in factories using harmful dyes and synthetic materials that aren’t easily recycled. And once a fake plant is faded or damaged, it gets thrown in a trash dump where it will probably take many years to deteriorate. On the other hand, if a real plant needs to be thrown away because it’s dying, it begins to biodegrade almost instantly." This just causes more of plastic build up and once your fake plant starts spoiling such as it getting sticky or paint peeling off, you're most likely to throw it away.

    Now on to real plants. Number one, they give us oxygen. While the Amazon Rainforest is being destroyed by people who don't care about trees, the real plants in our home can give at least some oxygen. Another thing is that it increases creativity and productivity. The article, "A Hobby for All Seasons: 7 Science-Backed Benefits of Indoor Plants" Healthline says, "Multiple studies have found that plants in the workspace increase both productivity and creativity. One frequently cited study from 1996 found that students in a campus computer lab worked 12 percent faster and were less stressed when plants were placed nearby." I would have to agree with this. It sounds weird, but plants do give me ideas! It can be from blog posts, for things to draw, being more productive when working, etc.

    One reason why people might choose fake plants over real plants is because they might be allergic to it. A lot of people also sometimes don't have the time to take care of the plant, causing them to throw the plant out a little more quickly.

    What do you think? Have you changed your mind on what plants you should have in your home? Thanks for reading everyone. See you all later!


  1. Nice! I have a few fake plants and also some real ones and I've never really thought about which is better :)

  2. I have lots of plants in my apartment and on my balcony, and I love them. It does me good to care fr them, and I like to see them grow. I am not a fan of plastic flowers! Hugs, Valerie

  3. Very good research. We have fake plants in our house, but we grow a garden outside on our patio!

    1. That's nice! We have a lot of flowers in the front of our house, and we do have a couple of real plants as well.

  4. Real plants are good for the environment how true. I use fake inside I used to have real plants but a lot of work. I grow lots of plants outside though, still a lot of work.

    1. That's good! Lot of work I would have to agree though.

  5. I often have a mix of both :)

    All the best Jan

  6. I only like real plants and outside. I have 3 cats and a 2.5 year old so plants inside are a no no lol. I don't like fake plants at all!

    I go walking a lot with my 2.5 year old and have been teaching her how important trees are. We touch them, talk to them and thank them!

    1. That's lovely! A lot of people don't realize the importance of trees. :)

  7. Yo tengo plantas reales en mi jardin en mi casa solo tengo flores falsas para decorar por que no me gusta que las flores se marchiten te mando un beso

    1. Oh okay. For fake flowers I usually make some out of paper and color them :). We have a garden as well, filled with flowers and another one with vegetables!

  8. I have to admit I have one artificial arrangement in my home, but for the most part, real plants, real flowers that I pick from the garden. And I hadn't thought about the oxygen piece, just the beauty they bring. Kudos on pointing this out. I really enjoyed this post. Great topic.

    1. We also have some fake plants, but we try sticking to the real thing. I never really cared about this topic to much in the beginning, but thinking about it now its more important then ever! I mean a plant made of plastic -- come on! Plants are supposed to be helping the environment, and fake plants are made with plastic, doing the opposite of helping the environment. Thanks so much Sandra.

  9. I like the real ones. You can grow food, herbs all sorts of good things. We grow a lot indoors. Even a lemon tree. You can learn a lot from growing plants too. Oh..and the pepper plant..always helps out in the kitchen.

    1. That is true! We have a garden filled with herbs, tomatoes, egg plant, and more! You won't have to head to the store and just cooking something you grew is a really great feeling!

  10. I like real ones, but fake are easier to keep. I'm your follower #4. May you follow me back?
    Have a nice day!

    1. Yes, that is very true! Thank you so much for following me. Of course I will follow you back! :) You have a great day as well.


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