Something you might have not known about the weather app...

 Hey everybody! Today, I wanted to share something that I learned about the weather app. You can download it in the app store, and see what the weather would be like in your state or city. But, there is something on there you might have not known. 

10% Chance of Rain or 10% Coverage?

On the weather app, It usually says "Chance of rain: 10%" or it might be 30%, 50%, 20%, etc. Now, all my life I thought that this meant that there is a 30% chance of rain, but it actually means that it's gonna rain a 100%, but its gonna cover 30% of the state or city.  Here is an example:

(If you want a closer look, just press the image.) Here's a screenshot I took of the weather in Chicago. The place I circled shows a 10% chance of rain. This means it's going to rain 100%, but only cover 10% of Chicago.

Well, I hope you learned something new today! Thanks for reading and I'll see you next time. Bye for now!


  1. Woah! Cool fact! Super helpful!!!

  2. Uy gracias por explicarlo, no lo sabia. Te mando un beso
    Enamorada de las letras

  3. Very interesting post!
    Thanks for sharing 😍😍

  4. Thanks, I didn't know that! Valerie

  5. Really interesting, learnt something knew! Thank you

  6. I had no idea! It's like where it says the high and low for the day, some people think that means it can be anywhere in between those temps, but it actually means the low will be the coolest part of the day and the high will be the hottest part.

    1. Exactly! The weather app can be confusing sometimes heh. 🙃

  7. I really didn't know that. I live in Scotland and it rains all the time!


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