Some of my Favorite Jokes/Riddles! 😂

 Hey everyone! Today, I'm gonna be sharing some of the jokes I have heard over the years. Let's get started!

Q: What do you call a fake noodle?

I love this joke and I get a good laugh over it. It's also always fun saying "IMPASTA" in an accent. 

Q: "Clean your room! It's a MESS!"
A: "K, Ill clean it on February 30th."

I kinda just made this one up lol...

Q: Where do polar bears vote?
A: At the North Poll

What do they vote for though? But honestly, I love this one.

Q: Why did the astronaut visit the doctor?
A: To get a booster shot. 


Q: What kind of fruit is never alone? 
A: a pear. 

Okay, that's a good one.

Q: What tastes better before it is cooked?
A: Burnt toast

That at first stumped me but once I got the answer it made sense. 

Q: What driver never gets a ticket? 
A: A screwdriver


Q: When does a "B" come after "U"
A: When you disturb its hive.

I didn't get it at first because it was letters but then sounding it out it's "bee" and "you" heh.

I hope you enjoyed today's post! I know everybody could use some laughs now and then. Well, see you next time!


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